Tag Archives: indie rock

Miki Berenyi Trio, Tolhurst x Budgie at Fonda Theatre, May 29, 2024

Miki Berenyi Trio live at Fonda Theatre in Los Angeles on May 29, 2024 (Photo: Liz Ohanesian)
This was the least crappy cel phone pic of Miki Berenyi Trio I took from the back of the room at Fonda Theatre.

Lol Tolhurst x Budgie were a couple songs into their set opening for Miki Berenyi Trio on Wednesday night when I noticed something strange. The sea of people in front of me at the Fonda Theatre was dark. There was not a single cel phone glowing above their heads. It was a sight I hadn’t seen since the year before the iPhone was released and it was jarring. Did I miss an announcement or something? Was security going to kick me out if I pulled out my phone?

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Get This Album Now: Taleen Kali “Flower of Life”

Taleen Kali Flower of Life album cover
Get Taleen Kali’s new album, Flower of Life, now.

Taleen Kali has a new album out today called Flower of Life and you need to hear it.

Last August, I got to DJ for Taleen Kali’s tour kickoff show at Rubycon Records in Los Angeles. One of the joys of that night was getting to hear Taleen and the band play music from Flower of Life, an album that was, at that point, still months away from release. I remember them ripping through “Trash Talk” most vividly. There’s an immediacy to the song. I had never heard it before that night— it wasn’t released as a single until that November— but, by the song’s end, I felt like I knew it. To me, that’s the sign of a killer pop song. 

Continue reading Get This Album Now: Taleen Kali “Flower of Life”