Tag Archives: In Sheep's Clothing

The Record Fair I Almost Missed Because Social Media Sucks

Michael Quatro and Melba Moore albums found at an In Sheep's Clothing record fair at Homage Brewing in Chinatown, Los Angeles
Michael Quatro at Melba Moore records found at the In Sheep’s Clothing x Japonesia Night Market at Homage Brewing in Chinatown (Photo: Liz O.)

In July, I wrote a story for LAist about how there are loads of cheap or free concerts happening in L.A., but finding out about them has become increasingly difficult because social media sucks and local music coverage is virtually nonexistent. It was a popular story. I ended up talking about it on LAist radio twice, including a spot that ran on Morning Edition. Loads of people told me they were having the same issue finding out about shows. Someone even came up to me while I was DJing at Underground and mentioned reading it. 

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